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Hola, bienvenido a Consultas en línea. Aquí encontrará respuestas a preguntas que pueda tener acerca del estudio, los métodos de prevención, ITS, VIH, SIDA y mucho más. Lo invitamos también a visitar la sección de Preguntas Frecuentes.
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Olá, Bem-vindo às Consultas Online. Aqui você vai encontrar respostas para as dúvidas que você possa ter sobre o estudo, métodos de prevenção, IST, HIV, AIDS e muito mais. Você também pode querer visitar o link Perguntas Frequentes.
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cuando empezara iprex ole en el peru
Question send by: CARLOS SIFUENTES - 2011-10-26 09:32:02
Estimado Carlos, Disculpa la demora en responder, pero recién me percato de tu comunicación. El protocolo de estudio ha sido aprobado por el comité de ética y lo están revisando en el Instituto Nacional de Salud. Conforme pasen esta fase regulatoria oficial, se pueden empezar las visitas de revelación del ciego y luego el iPrEx OLE
Hi, our patients here in San Francisco want to enroll in your study, but we know it's closed. Are there plans for more PrEP studies here that MSM could join? When would such a study open? Thanks!
Question send by: lisa - 2011-10-25 13:21:03
Dear Lisa, thanks for your note. This is a very important point. We are currently working regulatory steps to extend enrollment in iPrEx OLE, but we are awaiting for an answer; however, I have read at the Bay Area Reporter that there is a "PrEP Demonstration Project" that is being designed to take place in San Francisco in early 2012. The project will be implemented at the Magnet clinic in the Castro and the City Clinic, and it will be enrolling around 300 MSM and transgender women. This would be a perfect opportunity for people interested in PrEP to join a project.
¿En el estudio pueden participar mujeres? ¿por qué sólo hombres?
Question send by: Susana Ojeda - 2011-09-19 11:02:01
Hola Susana y gracias por tu pregunta. El estudio iPrEx fue diseñado para evaluar el uso de PrEP en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres y mujeres transexuales en seis países: Peru, Ecuador, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Sudáfrica y Tailandia. Existen otros estudios de PrEP que se están llevando a cabo en otras partes del mundo, principalmente en Africa, que están enfocados en mujeres, el estudio VOICE es uno de estos. Asimismo, otro estudio de PrEP (FEM-PrEP) fue cerrado este año porque no iba a poder demostrar eficacia. Finalmente, un estudio en Africa, patrocinado por el Centro para la Prevención y el Control de Enfermedades de los Estados Unidos (CDC) ha demostrado eficacia de la intervención de PrEP en mujeres y hombres heterosexuales.
Are you excepting new HIV- participants. My husband is looking to get on a study. I am positive. We live in NY but can travel to Boston if this is allowed.
Question send by: Jeannie - 2011-07-11 17:30:21
Hi Jeannie, you raise a very good point, serodiscordant couples will benefit the most of a PrEP intervention. One study have proven efficacy in the use of PrEP in serodiscordant couples in Africa (Partners PrEP), unfortunately, the continuation of the iPrEx study is targeted at participants that were part of the blinded phase of the trial and the inclusion criteria requires that these participants are male that have sex with other men. I am not aware of any other study that is targeted to heterosexual people or serodiscordant couples in the US.
I hope that this becomes a robust conversation between participants, investigators, and other people interested in health and happiness. There is so much to say and to hear. These are exciting times - with everything that we have recently learned, we now can stop the spread of HIV on all fronts.
Question send by: Bob Grant - 2011-06-25 23:11:19
This forum will be an opportunity to collect inquiries from the community regarding the study and other matters related to HIV prevention, sexuality, pleasure and happiness.


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